Monday, November 7, 2011

thesis statement

slums affect people by getting them sick , creates a very limmited space , and cause death .

final draft

Carolina perez


World geography 


Poverty is common through out india. India has plenty of population that are in poverty .

People in india try to look for places to live everyday . slums are their only choice for a

place to live in . slums are very unhealthy and un sanitary . yet slums attract lots of people

from india to live in slums . slums affect people by  getting them sick , having very limited

space , and also it causes death .

people get ill by being in contact with filthy things ; mostly from living an unhealthy life

style. In india slums ae defined as being very filthy and destroyed . since slums are very

over crowded , there is so much trash every that its hard for people to travel from place

to place . in result  .this causes people to get sick . slums affect people in a negative way.

Having very limited space is a rough challenge to face . slums are very overcrowded , and

cause people to live in very tight spaces . people are in search of finding somewhere to

live , since slums are there only choice , it increases more and more in population size .

once being overcrowded with people , there is an urge of leaving but cant .

death is one of the most things that is a result from slums. Living in a unhealthy place and

 getting sick will result into death . its not hard to get sick from living in a slum. This

causes a negative impact on someones life , if living in a slum . once people die more and

 more people come and try to take there place from where they use to live .

in conclusion , people that live in slums are affected by getting sick , having very limited

space and deaths . these main facts are going on everyday in india.

Works cited

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