Monday, November 7, 2011

thesis statement

slums affect people by getting them sick , creates a very limmited space , and cause death .

final draft

Carolina perez


World geography 


Poverty is common through out india. India has plenty of population that are in poverty .

People in india try to look for places to live everyday . slums are their only choice for a

place to live in . slums are very unhealthy and un sanitary . yet slums attract lots of people

from india to live in slums . slums affect people by  getting them sick , having very limited

space , and also it causes death .

people get ill by being in contact with filthy things ; mostly from living an unhealthy life

style. In india slums ae defined as being very filthy and destroyed . since slums are very

over crowded , there is so much trash every that its hard for people to travel from place

to place . in result  .this causes people to get sick . slums affect people in a negative way.

Having very limited space is a rough challenge to face . slums are very overcrowded , and

cause people to live in very tight spaces . people are in search of finding somewhere to

live , since slums are there only choice , it increases more and more in population size .

once being overcrowded with people , there is an urge of leaving but cant .

death is one of the most things that is a result from slums. Living in a unhealthy place and

 getting sick will result into death . its not hard to get sick from living in a slum. This

causes a negative impact on someones life , if living in a slum . once people die more and

 more people come and try to take there place from where they use to live .

in conclusion , people that live in slums are affected by getting sick , having very limited

space and deaths . these main facts are going on everyday in india.

Works cited

                                                                   Sources packet

Thursday, October 27, 2011

intro paragraph

povery is very common in india. india has many places that are very dirty and unhealthy . these are called slums . slums are very over populated because lots of people in india are homeless or poor. slums have a negative  affect on people by making them drink dirty water , have no medical care , and die by diseases.
slums have very unhealthy living conditions .

Thursday, October 20, 2011



a.poverty is very common in india.

b. poverty is the result of famillies that dont have jobs and dont have homes.

c slums impact people in a negative way. slums are unhealthy , over crowded and make people live in a bad way .

2. body paragraph 1
a. therefore , slums are very unhealthy for people to live in . much trash are in slums and cause illnesses.

c. quote , explanation.

3.body paragraph 3 in addition slums are very over crowded .

a slums have many people living in  them , that when people want to live in them they cant .

b.many people living in them , "quote"


4. body paragraph 4 - slums cause people to be protictive bc of the way people are there.

a. gangs that are living in slums

b quote

