Thursday, October 20, 2011



a.poverty is very common in india.

b. poverty is the result of famillies that dont have jobs and dont have homes.

c slums impact people in a negative way. slums are unhealthy , over crowded and make people live in a bad way .

2. body paragraph 1
a. therefore , slums are very unhealthy for people to live in . much trash are in slums and cause illnesses.

c. quote , explanation.

3.body paragraph 3 in addition slums are very over crowded .

a slums have many people living in  them , that when people want to live in them they cant .

b.many people living in them , "quote"


4. body paragraph 4 - slums cause people to be protictive bc of the way people are there.

a. gangs that are living in slums

b quote



1 comment:

  1. Carolina, you needed to actually type out the quotes, explanations, and transitions.
